Cours d'Architecture n°3: Oodi, la bibliothèque centrale de Helsinki


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C'est le seul endroit au monde et de toute ma vie où j'ai rencontré des gens tranquilles, tous tranquilles.

Ces gens ne sont pas chacun dans leur bulle, ils partagent, tous.

Même une église est à mille lieues de faire en sorte que la paix soit avec eux.

Ces gens sont en communion, et ils prouvent que les rites d'offices solennels ne sont que pollution de l'âme.


Oodi, la Bibliothèque Centrale de Helsinki a été inaugurée le 5 décembre 2018, le veille de la fête de l'Indépendance de la Finlande.

En janvier 2019 j'avais fait là-dessus un cours avec mes étudiants en Design et en Architecture.
De part les études de janvier, cette bibliothèque était pour moi un objectif absolu de visite à faire.
J'ai obtenu bien plus que ce que je ne m'imaginais. C'est un cadeau de la vie.

Le wiki >>> La ville d'Helsinki a organisé le concours "Le cœur battant de la Métropole" (Metropolin sykkivä sydän) pour la conception de la nouvelle bibliothèque centrale. Ce concours ouvert et international d'architecture faisait partie du programme "Helsinki, capitale mondiale du design 2012" (Maailman muotoilupääkaupunki Helsinki 2012). Il a débuté en janvier 2012 et s'est terminé en juin 2013. L'entreprise finlandaise ALA Architects (Arkkitehtitoimisto ALA), a remporté le concours avec sa proposition "Traduction" (Käännös).

Dans le Nord, les enfants ne crient pas.



1. Le 3. décembre 2023, 09h02 par Thåmas

Oodi Central Library, Helsinki’s celebrated public library, is set to commemorate its fifth anniversary on December 5th, 2023. Since its opening on the eve of Finnish Independence Day in 2018, Oodi has not only become the city’s most frequented library but also a major cultural and literary hub, attracting nearly 10 million visitors to date.

Gifted to the nation on the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence, Oodi's grand opening saw an overwhelming attendance of 55,000 visitors.

This enthusiasm has only grown, with the library gaining international acclaim, including a feature on the cover of The New York Times. Oodi reached its first million visitors in less than four months and is on track to welcome its ten-millionth visitor in early 2024.

Oodi has redefined the role of a library in urban space. Designed collaboratively with input from city residents, it has become a symbol of inclusivity and public engagement. This year, visitor numbers are expected to match the pre-COVID record set in 2019, underscoring Oodi's significance in Helsinki's social and cultural landscape.

Director Anna-Maria Soininvaara highlights the library's foundational values of equality and freedom of expression. “At Oodi, everyone from businessmen to families, students, and the homeless find a welcoming space. We are dedicated to providing services that cater to the diverse needs of our visitors," she says.

As a literary house, Oodi has recorded over 478,000 loans this year, contributing significantly to Helsinki City Library's overall lending. The library has hosted more than 170 literature-related events, attended by over 9,000 people. Oodi also initiated the Oodi Book Fest and awarded the inaugural Oodi poet of the year in 2023.

Oodi’s success stems from its dynamic approach to service development, piloting projects that are often adopted by other libraries nationwide. The staff, working in self-managed teams, focus on agile service development and customer engagement. Partnerships with cultural, literary, and non-governmental organizations are key to Oodi’s operations.

The library’s fifth anniversary will be celebrated with a diverse program starting from 14:00 on December 5th. The festivities include performances by the schlager orchestra Vallilan Tango, clown shows for children, an open day at the Urban Workshop, and literary discussions featuring notable figures such as Helsinki Mayor Juhana Vartiainen and author Philip Teir.

Oodi’s blend of cultural offerings, innovative services, and community-focused approach makes it much more than a library – it’s a vibrant meeting place and a testament to the evolving role of libraries in modern cities.


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